Criminal Intent: Songs About Doing Bad Things
Due: November 30th, 2011
It's that creepy time of the year again! I don't know about you, but it's our favorite time of year. We have decided on a theme that was up for vote last spring as the next assignment theme. Since it came in second place in the poll, (first place was a tie between body parts and foreign languages, if you remember correctly), we thought you'd be into it.

Let's expound on this theme, Criminal Intent, shall we? There is a smorgasbord out there of what is considered to be "doing bad things". Remember how in some states it's still illegal to have gay sex? And speaking of gays, it's still illegal for them to get married in the majority of states in this country. You can't sell your own body for money, you can't do drugs or sell drugs, you can't kill people, you aren't supposed to jaywalk, speed in cars, make lots of noise, and apparently, you get arrested for occupying wall street. Fuck that shit (except killing people isn't any good--don't do that).
So, as you can see, Criminal Intent can include a multitude of behaviors. Now, get to work finding songs about doing bad things!
Please don't forget to make beautiful cover art, include a track list, and send $3 with your mix. For some inspirational examples of cover art, go here.
♥ Share music, make art, and keep post alive.♥
How it works:
Following the assignment and the rules, make a mix and submit it by the deadline. The submissions will be made into a compilation, mixed and matched to other Tender Validators, and mailed out the following week. Participants receive an anonymous mix, a compilation, and other various tender validations. Be sure to include (on a separate sheet of paper) the mailing address you’d like your mix to be sent.
→ 12 song minimum, 1 disk/tape maximum
→ Track list must be included
→ Cover art required
→ Return address provided (on a separate sheet of paper, please! )
→ Please keep cd anonymous (you can use an alias)
→ $3 for postage
Drop Locations:
→Fuel Coffee 610 19th Ave. Seattle, WA (19th & Mercer on Capitol Hill)
→Zebra Club 1901 1st Ave. Seattle, WA (1st & Stewart by Pike Place Market)
Mail In:
→Leigh’s Apartment (message me on FB, or email me at tendervalidations@gmail.com for address)
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