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Tender Validations CD of the Month Club
May 2009 Assignment

Theme: Covers
Deadline: 5/25/09
Minimum # of Songs: 15

  • Include Track Listing
  • Send $1 (or a buck's worth of stamps)
  • Your mailing address (separate from the CD)

It's the last day of April. If I have not received your April submission by now, you have missed the boat. But, you can participate this month!

I will have all of last month's submissions mailed out tomorrow, and up on the blog for download by the 5th of May. All downloads are password protected so only participants will reap the benefits.

So get to mixing!



I just wanted to say, I have just spent the past 4 hours trying to figure out how to rip, compress, upload, and link all of your mixes to the blog.
I don't get it.
Thankfully, my super genius Vice President Sparky Pants has agreed to a conference call this evening. I will hopefully be getting this process started tonight!


Future Theme Ideas

Hey TVCDOTMC Participants and Future Participants!
I just wanted to say how e x c i t e d I am that so many of you submitted CDs this month.
T h a n k s !
I am c u r i o u s to hear some of the t h e m e ideas you all have (as I'm sure you have lots)....
so feel free to leave c o m m e n t s about what you'd like future themes to be, or any other ideas you might have for the c l u b.
I plan on m a i l i n g out the mixes by the f i r s t of May, so expect them in your mailbox sometime thereafter.
Stay tuned for the n e x t assignment!
I will be p o s t i n g it on the 30th (of April).



TVCDOTMC April 2009

Tender Validations CD of the Month Club
April 2009 Assignment

Theme: Places
Deadline: April 25th
Minimum # of Songs: 15

Hey everybody!
I started this club to inspire people to make stuff... and get things in the mail!
The way it works is this: you make a mix CD, give it to me, and I will shuffle them around and mail them out to other participants. Everyone who participates will receive an anonymous mix CD in the mail! Also, I plan on posting all submitted mixes on the blog as soon as I figure out how to do that with the help of my Vice President, Sparky Pants.
Hope you have a good time coming up with some brilliant mixes. Please be sure you deliver your CD to me by April 25th. There are two options--
  • Fuel Coffee Drop Off (610 19th Ave East Seattle, WA 98112)
  • Mail it to me (1509 E Mercer #204 Seattle, WA 98112)
All CDs should include a track listing. Feel free to include anything else you would like to make it special. I will be posting artwork on the blog as soon as all CDs are submitted. Also, please give me a mailing address so I can send you a CD.

Here is some inspiration to get you started...